A subject i've enjoyed studying this semester

Hi everyone, today im going to talk about a subject i really enjoyed this semester. The name of the subject is "Qualitative Methods I". We have to take four methodologies throughout the career and this is one of them, and is the last subject of this category i take. The class generally length three hours and its divide in two moments: an oral lesson from the teacher and a practical part, from 10:15 hrs until 13:30 hrs each Tuesday. My classmates and subject's assistants contribute to develop the contents kindly, wich are for example, an introduction to social investigation, the systematization in qualitaitve analysis, etc. The most important content i think i learned is how to design a investigation proyect correctly. Previously in my formation i always felt that the knowledge about this area were very important, and i believe that i finally got some investigation skills. Also i like the subject because i learned about formal analysis techniques and i think will be very useful. My investigation partner and i realize an enriching field work with an actors group.


  1. i think that it's very interesting that you like that subject, i always hear bad commentaries!

  2. Qualitative Methods I is so important in the formation... above all how to design a proyect. However, I think it's not enough, we should have more instance to learn more techniques

  3. Interesting subject David. I take it in the last year and i investigated of sit-in Nuevo Catorce, ubicated in San Joaquín. And you, what theme did you work?

  4. When i took Qualitative Methods i learn a lot! i think that it's very important to all of us


  5. what a joy to know that you liked qualitative methods I, it is a very interesting classes where you learn a lot how to do a investigation proyect.

  6. great, I took that class this semester, I learned a lot, is very difficult when we have always done qualitative research

  7. I think it's so important to know how to design a investigation proyect correctly. I also had that subject and I learned a lot.

  8. I envy the number of methodology subjects you have. About qualitative research, I never could understand it for complete. My head works in a quantitative way, and that interfered when I tried to learn about qualitative methods. However, I hope learn it some day.

  9. woww! You have many qualitative courses :O

  10. is a good subjet, you can learn the metodological tecniques, and as used

  11. Also I like the qualitative methods, but in psychology only have one course of qualitative methods :(


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